Is Living Life As a SBW Impacting Your Health?

​Take the test....

A Research Project of

Charlyn Green Fareed, Ph.D.

You say almost daily - “I’ve got too much to do, I can’t stop right now” OR “I don’t have time to think about that right now” OR  “I need a break”…and you don’t know how or rarely do and just...power through.

You often say, "I'm tired" but may not be able to clearly explain in what ways? e.g., physically, emotionally, in general.

You are "driven" and press on, in spite of...  hyper-focused on completing a goal, proving yourself on the job; taking care of family, handling everything, or just plain staying busy most days, rarely have quiet moments, or taking an intentional pause.

You rarely show or discuss your emotions during major life events, hold them in, feeling you have to stay in control of yourself, or not be in touch with your emotions or say, “getting upset won’t change anything; I’ll just pray about it”

At some level you know you need to reach out for help (medical, emotional, psychological, general daily tasks) but tell yourself, “I can handle this” OR “I don’t want to worry anybody” OR “I don’t want people in my business.”

You get frustrated when you ask people to do something and when they don’t do it when you want or need it done, you tell them (or think) “I’ll just do it myself”…and you often do.

You find yourself almost automatically taking charge of, doing for, or speaking for others (especially young adults or adult children).

You rarely ask for help and then say, “Why does everyone depend on me for everything” OR “why should I have to ask, you saw I needed help”

You find yourself frequently “helping” others and find it difficult to allow others to help, serve you.

You eat well, exercise, live spiritually based but most times may not be able to identify your feelings, e.g., sad, glad, lonely, hurt so you frequently respond, “I’m good” when asked how are you feeling. 

If you answered, "yep… that's me" to at least three of the SBW test questions, it's time to take action now to improve your overall health and wellness or…possibly save your life!

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